The CubeHouse is the result of a shared ambition by all involved partners
Many things in life are better done together. This also certainly applies for creating a future-proof, highly ambitious and exciting development as The CubeHouse. Envisioning and realizing a mixed-use, next-generation office building was only possible through strong collaboration between renowned real estate developer G&S&, New York-based architecture firm SO-IL, investor ASR Dutch Mobility Office Fund and launching tenants Arcadis and BNP Paribas. Together, we give shape to the workplace of the future – in the heart of Amsterdam’s Zuidas.
All five parties brought their own particular set of expertise to the table. Together, we wanted to create a building that not only wants to check a couple of boxes, but that maximizes in every aspect. An open and transparent office building that connects different worlds, while honoring its environment by being Paris Proof, Well Gold, innovative and smart. We are proud to say that with The CubeHouse we exceeded our own expectations; adding the last missing puzzle piece to a unique Zuidas location, but also starting a new era for the Zuidas.